Acupuncture is a form of therapy in which fine needles are inserted into specific parts of the body. The intended benefits of acupuncture range from pain relief, promoting tissue healing, improving sleep and relaxation. Physiotherapists base their treatments on specific scientific research and clinical evidence.
- Acupuncture can reduce pain by stimulating the brain and spinal cord to produce natural pain-relieving chemicals such as endorphins , melatonin (which promotes sleep) and serotonin (to promote well-being). These chemicals offer pain relief and assist the process of healing, as well as promoting blood-flow and circulation to the site of the injury/pain. The treatment is often used in conjunction with other manual therapy, treatments and exercise in order to achieve a complete recovery.
- Acupuncture originates from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which is an ancient system of medicine dating back over 1000 years and is based on a holistic concept treatment that regards ill health as a manifestation of imbalance in the body's energy and the aim of TCM is to restore the correct balance. Energy is referred to as Qi (Pronounced Chee) which describes Yin energy (Quiet and Calm) and Yang energy (Vigrous and Exciting). Yin and Yang are complimentary opposites and cohabit in a dynamic but balanced state in the body. Practitioners of TCM believe that illness disturbs the balance between Yin and Yang and by stimulating certain Acupuncture points on the body the balance can be restored.
- Members of AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) fuse TCM principles with scientific evidence to offer a comprehensive and proven way of reducing pain and promoting healing, and always in line with enhancing physiotherapy treatments such as exercise and rehabilitation techniques in order to promote recover and improve quality of life.